Pitch stress-free, with ease, by telephone or videoconference

Communicate with ease at a distance and arouse the interest of your contacts in less than a minute.

Be at your best in remote communication situations

  • Managie the stress of public speaking and its physiological and psychological consequences
  • Understand the challenges and technical constraints of a remote meeting using Zoom, Teams or Google Meet
  • Empathetic listening: master small talk before pitching, as well as the relationship throughout the interview.
  • Find the right mix of non-verbal ingredients: gestures, smiles, attitude, posture, silence management, etc.
  • Carefully craft your opening to frame the interview, get straight to the point and arouse interest from the outset.

How to pitch effectively remotely

  • Determine your audience’s expectations and main goal, and identify the essential message
  • Understand the importance of anecdotes, stories, metaphors, key facts and figures…
  • Organize your pitch: structure your speech simply and effectively
  • Highlight key ideas

Group session

4 persons

1 day

7 hours training


990 US$

Individual session

1 person

1 half-day

3,5 hours training


1,990 US$

Our individual or group training