
Inspire your audience with storytelling tools

Find out how to use the key elements of storytelling and fiction to engage your audience with a real story that sets the scene for your presentation and your ideas.

Identify the ingredients of a good story

  • Master the principles of good storytelling
  • Understand the importance of anecdotes, stories, metaphors, key facts and figures…
  • Determine your audience’s expectations and main goal, and identify the essential message
  • Choose the hero and setting for your story

Mastering storytelling techniques

  • Use the 5 steps of the narrative framework to script your story
  • Storyboard your story
  • Mobilize your audience’s emotions
  • Design the story’s hook and punchline
  • Tell a captivating and inspiring story in 3 minutes

Group session

4-9 persons

1 day

7 hours training



990 US$

Individual session

1 person

1 half-day

3,5 hours training



1,990 US$

Our individual or group training