Description and Use Policy
1°) Description and Use Policy
Welcome to arnaudbalme.com (the « Website »). This website offers leadershipcommunication coaching, public speaking and media training and consulting, andconference services to customers worldwide. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale(the “Terms” or “Terms and Conditions”) govern the provision of coaching, training, andconsulting services (collectively, the “Services”) offered by Arnaud Balme (« We” or “Us”) toconsumer clients (“Clients” or “You”). The Services include personal coaching, trainingsessions, and professional consulting, as detailed on the website. Each service is subject toits specific description, duration, and pricing as listed on the website. By accessing and usingthis website, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Youagree that you are accessing the services the Website for business purposes. If you are usingthe services on behalf of an organization, you agree to these Terms and Conditions for thatorganization and confirm that you have the authority to bind said organization to the Termsand Conditions. If you do not agree to any of these terms, then please do not usearnaudbalme.com. Any user who wishes to purchase a product or service through TheWebsite, is agreeing to the terms of this Agreement and the accompanying Terms andConditions of Purchase with respect to such product or service.
2°) Restrictions
arnaudbalme.com is only available for individuals aged 18 years or older. You are prohibited from:
- Misusing the website or its services.
- Using this website in any manner that could disable or damage it.
- Using automated systems to extract information from this website for commercial purposes.
3°) Frais et paiements
Clients may purchase Services through the website. Some services on The Website mayrequire payment. The process includes selecting a service, agreeing to these Terms, andcompleting payment. Confirmation of purchase will be sent to the Client’s provided emailaddress. All fees are stated in U.S. dollars if the mailing address you provided us is in theUnited States. If the mailing address you provided us is outside the United States or any ofits possessions or territories, all payments will be charged and made in your local currency.As consideration for any purchase you make on the Website, you shall pay us all applicablefees and taxes. We (or our third-party payment processor) shall authorize your credit card,bank account, or other approved payment facility you provided during the registrationprocess for the full payment of the fees and any applicable taxes, and you hereby consent tothe same. If payment is not received from your credit card issuer, you hereby agree to payall amounts due upon demand. You agree to pay all costs of collection, including attorney’sfees and costs, on any outstanding balance. In certain instances, the issuer of your creditcard may charge you a foreign transaction fee or related charges, which you will beresponsible to pay. You are advised to check with your bank and credit card issuer for details.
Payment for Services is required in advance. Clients must complete payment beforeaccessing the Services. Available payment methods and instructions will be detailed byemail, on the website or through third-party websites (“External Sites”). Unless otherwisestated in writing with respect to particular services offered for sale, full refunds are eligible 7days from the payment date. After this 7-day window, payments are non-refundable underany circumstances. Email contact@arnaudbalme.com to inquire about any refunds.
4°) Intellectual Property
All content, logos, graphics, and other materials on arnaudbalme.com belong to Us and are protected by copyright laws. Unauthorized use of any materials on this website is strictly prohibited.
5°) Communications With Us
Any feedback or communication you send to Us will be treated as non-confidential and non- proprietary.
6°) User Responsibilities
You are responsible for:
- All activities that occur under your account.
- Maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password.
- Complying with all applicable laws while using this website.
7°) Termination of Use
We reserve the right to discontinue the Services offered on this Website at his discretion, without prior notice or liability, for any reason, including but not limited to breaches of these Terms by you.
8°) Sites externes
The Website may contain links to third-party websites (“External Sites”). These links areprovided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by us of the content onsuch External Sites. The content of such External Sites is developed and provided by others.You should contact the site administrator or webmaster for those External Sites if you haveany concerns regarding such links or any content located on such External Sites. We are notresponsible for the content of any linked External Sites and do not make anyrepresentations regarding the content or accuracy of materials on such External Sites. Youshould take precautions when downloading files from all websites to protect your computerfrom viruses and other destructive programs. If you decide to access linked External Sites,you do so at your own risk.
9°) No Warranties & Limitation of Liability
Arnaudbalme.com is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind. We shall not beliable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or inconnection with the Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law. By agreeing to theseTerms, you acknowledge and accept that the Services are provided without a promise ofspecific outcomes. Success stories or results shown on our Website or related Social Mediaplatforms are individual client achievements or approximations and do not assure identicaloutcomes for every user. Your results may differ, influenced by your own skills, experience,knowledge, commitment, and numerous factors beyond our control, including unforeseenelements. We do not promise or guarantee any specific level of achievement; outcomes willvary for each individual. The realm of training and coaching carries inherent risks, and theapplication of our information, products, and services is at your discretion. You acknowledgethat we cannot be held responsible for your success or lack thereof. Upon accepting theseterms, you recognize your sole responsibility for your achievements. We shall not be heldaccountable for any damages to you or any affiliated parties. Accordingly, the Services,content, and any software available for download are provided “as is,” without warranty ofany kind, express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of title, or impliedwarranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. You understand and agreethat your use of the Services is at your sole risk. Any limitations outlined here will beenforced to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.
10°) Miscellaneous
These Terms can only be modified or amended in writing duly executed or as otherwisepermitted by these Terms. We retain the right to modify, terminate, or amend the Servicesprovided via this Website and related Social Media platforms. Future services or featuresintroduced through the Website and associated Social Media will fall under these Terms.Inaction in enforcing any rights under these Terms or in responding to any breach shouldnot be construed as a waiver of those rights or future enforcement in the event ofsubsequent breaches. These Terms are governed and construed in accordance with the lawsof the State of Massachusetts. You consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of thestate of Massachusetts for disputes arising from or related to this Agreement. Should anyprovision of these Terms be deemed invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be severedfrom these Terms, and such invalidation will not affect the enforceability of the remainingprovisions.
11°) Compliance With Applicable Laws
Whether inside or outside of the United States, you are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with the laws of your specific jurisdiction.
12°) Contact
For any questions regarding these Terms and Conditions, please contact us through the contact information provided on arnaudbalme.com.